Re-Inventing Your Virtual Learning and Training Experience
We have many tools at our fingertips these days to communicate with distributed teams or student learners to deliver virtual training and information sessions. The traditional platforms are well known, such as Teams, Zoom, Webex, and Google Meet, and on frequent occasion these platforms are chosen to deliver the training material to all participants.
The FORMAT may be a formal class, a seminar, business or certification training or a workshop. Or, the event may have been created by corporate communications, by the Executive team, or a single business unit for a specific audience.
What we have learned, particularly post-COVID, is that although these tools have become pervasive and there is a relatively high degree of end-user comfort in the use of them, they do not necessarily do an exceptional job of providing the right experience for either the participant or the instructor in a number of circumstances. For general meetings and conference calls these platforms meet the need. But have you ever hosted a presentation and had the following experience?
• Had the (now better understood) strain and exhaustion of trying, (but failing), to maintain eye contact with virtual attendees to ensure you are communicating effectively with each participant?
• Were inundated with many people speaking or asking questions at once and felt it both difficult and awkward to
(a) facilitate the meeting effectively and,
(b) know who was asking what question?
• Wanted to direct a question to a particular individual on the call but felt like you were broadcasting the question to everyone on the panel, potentially creating a moment of confusion?
• For presenters who are more animated at times and move about frequently did you feel restricted with a need to remain as the ‘talking head in a box’ in a fixed position?
• Have difficulty keeping remote participants engaged, and knowing whether they are multitasking or distracted?
And, as participants or student learners in a class, have you felt disengaged from the presenter while in a group or class setting?
The truth is there are ways to address these concerns that extend beyond simply trying to improve meeting facilitation techniques or your teaching style. CCOMM can assist in making tremendous improvements using the right tools, infrastructure and improving the overall learning experience with affects the retention of information and participant-instructor engagement.
Contact us today and we can discuss your requirements and, if appropriate, we can provide a remote demonstration to experience the difference.